At the initial meeting, we provide a complimentary quote, detailing all aspects of project, assessing accessibility, risks, recommendations in terms of paint, color choice, number of coats and timeline that works for you.
The Neighborhood Painters team keeps you posted with every step of the commercial painting process. We understand that sticking to a schedule is paramount to business operations and for schools or hospitals and we can work on your proposed timing such as weekend shifts, after hour painting etc. our team is 100% committed to meeting deadlines once they've been agreed upon. So, expect no disruption.
We don’t say we’re the best painting company in Vancouver and the lower mainland but we will do our best and believe that our painters’ expertise and proven system will ensure this (Can you elaborate with some more reasonable/persvasive sentences?)
A step ladder, paintbrush and a paint can is usually all you need for residential painting. However, commercial painting involves much more than just that. Following are some of the equipment and techniques we use to ensure a high-quality commercial painting service:
painting is an art that has been around for centuries. It’s a skill that is passed down from generation to generation. The painter’s tools have evolved over time. The brush and roll we use today are more efficient than the paintbrush and palette knife of the past.
Spraying is one of the most popular methods to paint walls because it can be done quickly and efficiently with very little mess.
Waterproofing paints are paints that are designed to resist water penetration.